Category: Google
The wide array of low-cost, Cloud-based applications has made sharing information and collaborating across locations or devices very easy for employees – in fact, too easy. Without the proper security controls, your organization is at risk not only for phishing or spam attacks but also for accidental data breaches or theft Watch this on-demand executive […]
The introduction of Team Drive functionality several months ago represented a long-awaited feature boost to Google Drive. However, when organizing Google Drive content you are now faced with the choice of organizing Drive content in traditional “My Drive” folders, or in Team Drives. This inevitably leads to the question, “which one is better?” The answer […]
Overview of this series: Upload to the Chrome Web Store In order to deploy this extension to our domain, we first upload it to the Chrome Web Store. It is important to understand that by putting it into the store, we can still keep the extension private or unlisted. This is useful for company specific […]
Overview of this series: Home Stretch! Installing the extension. In Part 1, we wrote all of the configuration and code for our Meet Controls extension. Now it’s time to install it into Chrome so that we can test it. Configure shortcuts You’ll note that in the manifest, we configured a suggested keyboard shortcut for each […]
At Wursta, we have a fully distributed team with a geo-diverse customer base. In the day-to-day, we rely heavily on digital meetings to engage with our customers and interact with our internal teams. As a beloved G Suite partner (and customer), we use Google Meet a lot. Proper meeting etiquette suggests that you keep your mic […]
With the conclusion of Google Next, I couldn’t help but leave with a distinct feeling that industry as a whole is on the precipice of another fundamental shift in how technology is viewed in business. In the last 20 years, technology has gone through a few phases at the enterprise leadership level. It began as […]