Cyber Security Awareness with KnowBe4: Securing the Human

Cyber Security Awareness with KnowBe4: Securing the Human


As cyber security threats escalate and hackers get more sophisticated, Wursta is here to keep you safe. We’re committed to empowering you with IT knowledge and security support, allowing you to thrive in your organization.

As part of our commitment, we are partnering with the world’s largest security awareness training organization, KnowBe4, to deliver a deep dive on how to help your employees grasp a culture of security and help protect themselves from cyber security threats. During this session, we will showcase some powerful new product updates and discuss how KnowBe4 can protect your organization by helping you develop a culture of continuous security safeguards.

After the session, you will be on your way to understanding the necessary tools needed to protect your organization from all kinds of threats and have the vital knowledge of the KnowBe4 platform. 

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30 Mins